Pediatrics Residency Program


A Message from Program Director

Thank you for your interest in the Pediatric Residency Program at Westchester Medical Center at the Maria Fareri Children's Hospital (MFCH), a member of the Westchester Medical Center Health Network (WMCHealth). We hope the information located here will further your interest in our program by conveying its many strengths

Our program's mission is to produce outstanding pediatricians who are ready to excel in both general and subspecialty pediatrics. To achieve this, we create an educationally innovative, inclusive and supportive environment and foster camaraderie and teamwork amongst our physicians. Our residents receive an exceptional education in all areas of pediatrics and they acquire the practical skills needed to care for children with a vast range of illnesses.

Our location in New York's Hudson Valley grants us unparalleled population density and diversity. MFCH is the principal referral center of the Hudson Valley, the 150-mile region between New York City and Albany; this ensures that our residents manage childhood illnesses that range from common, to rare, to previously undescribed. Year after year our residents express enthusiasm about the diversity of our cases and the educational opportunities provided by the breadth of pathologies we encounter. Our administrative leadership and extensive teaching faculty strive to maximize the educational opportunities offered by our diverse patient population. We pride ourselves on our program’s supportive, inclusive culture that values advocacy and joy in our work.

MFCH provides a state-of-the-art environment for our clinical, educational, and research activities. MFCH is a full-service children's hospital with complete pediatric subspecialty representation. Designed with the comfort of both families and caregivers in mind, MFCH features on-call suites for our residents and numerous conference areas.

The first children's hospital named after a child, MFCH has set the standard for a comforting and stimulating healing environment for ill children and their families. We offer private rooms for every patient with sleeping space for parents, family housing at our on-site Ronald McDonald house, a giant aquarium, an interactive computer lab/music studio, the world's largest dollhouse, a baseball museum, and a wheelchair-accessible miniature golf course.

Our program is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. We strictly observe both New York State and Residency Review Committee regulations regarding resident work hours and supervision.

We are proud of our program and its graduates, and we look forward to introducing them to you.



Matthew J. Kapklein, MD, MPH
Program Director

Caroline Moon, MD, MTS
Associate Program Director

Sonia Solomon, DO
Assistant Program Director

Karen H. Brandstaedter,MD
Assistant Program Director


Program Overview

Didactic Education

Our program is committed to resident education with protected educational time for daily clinical reason conference and noontime core conference.

Our pediatric residency program Zoom ID is 477.318.5601. Feel free to pop in just about every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8 -9 a.m. (clinical reasoning conference) and every weekday 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. (noontime core conference) to get a glimpse of our daily education and resident life!

Clinical Reasoning Conference (CRC)

During clinical reasoning conference, select overnight admissions are presented by residents to their peers and faculty. Emphasis is placed on clinical diagnostic reasoning and decision making as we work through initial patient presentations while discussing differential diagnoses.

Noontime Core Conference

Noontime core conference consists of a boards-based curriculum that is supplemented by a variety of educational topics in all pediatric subspecialty areas as well as wellness sessions, journal club, resident-as-teacher presentations, pediatric board review sessions, emergency medicine skills workshops, critical care lectures and monthly house staff meetings.

Continuity Clinic Conference

Every week during continuity clinic sessions, residents discuss a wide range of topics relevant to primary pediatric care, including; nutrition, developmental milestones, vaccine schedules, breastfeeding versus formula feeding, and anticipatory guidance.

Grand Rounds

Grand rounds occur every Wednesday from 8:00 - 9:00 and are open to all faculty, residents, and medical students. Here, faculty and residents, as well as guest lecturers, present a variety of pertinent pediatric topics.

Board Review

In addition to our daily morning clinical reasoning conference and noontime core conference, residents are given an annual subscription to the TrueLearn Question Bank, our online curriculum for the weekly lectures in continuity clinic, and PREP Question Banks through FREE, hospital-sponsored AAP memberships. During the spring of third year, senior residents participate in a board review boot camp in preparation for their upcoming boards.


We have regularly scheduled mock codes on the floors for residents and nurses. Simulated resuscitations are also frequently held in our NICU. Additionally, we hold PICU boot camps, IV placements, splinting and suture workshops that are frequently provided throughout the year for our residents. We participate in the Sim Olympics, where we compete against other residency programs in the greater New York area.


Each resident is paired with a career mentor in their desired field, based on their area of interest. This is an opportunity for residents to receive career guidance in their field of interest. Faculty research mentors are also assigned to residents in their PL-1 year. These faculty help residents find project mentors and help develop their ideas into workable original research and quality improvement projects.

Research/Quality Improvement

Each resident is required to participate in a scholarly project during their training. They are free to choose their own topic in an area such as quality improvement (QI)/patient safety, clinical studies, or basic science research. There are ample opportunities for research and our residents are involved in many projects. Residents are also able to take dedicated four-week research electives in their second or third years. Some of the most popular departments for research are PICU, NICU, pulmonology, and hematology/oncology.

Examples of recent resident scholarly project presentations include: 

  • Impact of an Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) oncology program
  • Rising Incidence of Pediatric Marijuana Overdose
  • A clinical pathway implementation for urinary tract infection
  • Effects of implementing a clinical pathway for community-acquired pneumonia
  • Incidence of intention to breastfeed among marijuana-using new mothers
  • Lifestyle characteristics of parental electronic cigarette users
  • Implementation of Clinical Care Pathway Reduces Measles Exposures During Outbreak in New York
  • Panel Discussions as an Effective Strategy to Teach Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Medical Education

Pediatric Fellowships

Currently, Maria Fareri Children's Hospital offers Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)–accredited fellowships in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Pediatric Pulmonology, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, and Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. Our fellows work directly with residents and provide a great source of education and learning in their specialty.

Resident Initiatives

Buddy Program: A voluntary program to match interns with seniors to help ease the transition into residency

Diversity Committee: The diversity committee organizes resident-led initiatives to bring awareness of, encourage diversity in, and provide a safe space for issues that affect our community. Among other things, we have hosted virtual get-togethers for new interviewees, started a new mentorship program between NYMC students and residents, and are expanding our diversity education curriculum in coordination with the Assistant Program Director, Dr. Sonia Solomon. We also correspond regularly with the Resident Wellness at Westchester Medical Center. Throughout the year, we have several conferences with panels to learn about perspectives of different patient populations. Our learning environment is inclusive and equitable.

The goals of the committee are as follows; 

  • To promote and celebrate diversity within our program in all respects, including gender, age, culture, race, religion, ability, and sexual orientation, with special attention to groups that are historically underrepresented
  • To support learning and working environment that is inclusive to all 
  • To change perception of marginalized groups in medicine through educational programs 
  • Partner with NYMC diversity office and provide mentors to underrepresented trainees in pediatrics and those interested in pediatrics
  • To provide a venue for discussion and social support surrounding issues pertaining to diversity and inclusion.

Advocacy Day: We pride ourselves in our engagement in group-level advocacy on multiple levels, including local (e.g., our Community Pediatrics and Advocacy rotation), regional (e.g., testifying before local governments in support of children’s health initiatives, and lobbying at our state capital annually), and national (e.g., completing a legislative advocacy rotation with the American Academy of Pediatrics in Washington, DC). 

Recruitment Committee: A group of residents who want to share their positive residency experiences with applicants through virtual nights-out, resident-led interview sessions, and social media. Speaking of social media, check out our Instagram page @westpedschiefs!

Wellness Committee

At Maria Fareri, we wholeheartedly support efforts to maintain the emotional and mental wellness of our residents. With the introduction of a Wellness Curriculum in 2019 and the development of our resident-run Wellness Committee, we have initiated a program-wide culture shift to recognize and address the challenges associated with being a modern physician. With that, we have dedicated educational time to regular wellness sessions that include didactics and experiential conferences. These introduce residents to concepts of stress management, mindfulness, and clinical leadership, while practicing talk therapy and meditation. Maria Fareri Children's Hospital's therapy animal program benefits both our patients and our residents, with therapy dogs frequently walking through the hospital halls.

Additionally, there is a committee run by pediatric residents that organizes monthly wellness and social events inside and outside the hospital. Residents get together for monthly activities such as hiking, going to the beach, going to the park, getting dinner, and attending sports games.

Program Curriculum

Rotation Blocks

The academic year consists of 13 four-week blocks, and the most rotations are four weeks long. Each rotation block consists of a four-week rotation. All inpatient rotations occur at Maria Fareri Children's Hospital. Over the course of three years, pediatric residents are exposed to a variety of pediatric cases, ranging from the typical "bread and butter" to the highly subspecialty-based and complex.

Inpatient Rotation

Each of our three inpatient teams (Rainbows, Ladders and Stars) consist of four or five PGY1 junior residents, two or three PGY2 or PGY3 senior residents, and variable numbers of medical students.

For the two larger teams (Rainbows and Ladders) with five juniors and three seniors, the teams are split into two “hemi-teams” for family-centered rounds. On all teams, PGY1 residents typically have primary responsibility for an average of five patients, although numbers fluctuate by team and time of year. Family-centered rounds are conducted on every team, every day.

  • Rainbows (general pediatrics): Our pediatric hospitalists supervise the general pediatrics team, where our residents care for a wide variety of conditions, ranging from common to complex general pediatrics problems. The Rainbows team is split into two teams with one senior and two interns on each team.
  • Stars (hematology/oncology): Our Stars team is composed of two seniors and four interns and covers the hematology/oncology service, which includes bone marrow and stem cell transplant patients.
  • Ladders (subspecialty): Patients admitted to other subspecialty services are cared for by the residents on the Ladders team, our mixed subspecialty team. Our largest subspecialty inpatient services are Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Neurology, Nephrology, and Adolescent Medicine.

Call Schedule

  • Our inpatient residents work within a 24-hour call system. These calls average from every fourth to every sixth night. Residents have at least one full weekend off (Friday evening to Monday morning) every block.
  • On outpatient rotations, senior residents cross-cover weekends and weeknights on an inpatient team, and interns and senior residents cover in the emergency department three to five times per block. Residents have at least one full weekend off per block.
  • In the Emergency Department, residents have a shift schedule. ED rotations are only two weeks long, and shifts are typically ten hours long. There is a PEM attending and senior resident in the ED at all times.

24-Hour Call Example:

Inpatient call schedule example:

7 a.m. - 8 a.m.: Morning sign-out
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.: Regular work day
5 p.m. - 6 p.m.: Evening sign-out from co-residents to assume management of all the patients the resident’s designated inpatient teams.
6 p.m. - 7 a.m.: The overnight team consists of one senior resident (PGY2 or PGY3) and one junior resident (PGY1) on the non-ICU inpatient teams, one senior resident (PGY3) and one junior resident (PGY2) in the PICU, and a fellow and one resident (of any level) in the NICU. After sign-out, the on-call residents continue to manage the inpatient teams, attend to vital patient care, and take on new patients/admissions from the ED throughout the night until sign-out at 7 a.m. the following morning.

Our residents are always supported and never alone. There is always a hospitalist, intensivist and ED attending in-house 24/7.

Pediatric Emergency Department

Our dedicated pediatric emergency department is a level 1 pediatric trauma center staffed and supervised by board-certified pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) attendings with 24/7 coverage. Our robust emergency department is always busy and provides excellent exposure to a variety of pathology, as well as hands-on exposure to a variety of procedures. The residents work one-on-one with attendings, allowing residents to have high levels of autonomy in our high acuity ED. 

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

Rotations in the 18-bed Level I medical/surgical PICU occur in the second and third years. There, residents take primary responsibility for critically ill children with a variety of conditions, including trauma, burns, and post-operative cardiac surgery. 

 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Residents rotate in our 60-bed Level IV NICU yearly, starting in the first year, where they care for neonates with a wide variety of conditions. The resident team typically consist of two PGY1 residents, one PGY2 resident and one PGY3 resident, who are supervised by a NICU fellow and NICU attending. Residents typically each care for 8-10 patients during their NICU rotation. This academic year, in response to resident feedback, we increased the size of the resident team in the NICU.


First year residents spend four weeks in the nursery at Maria Fareri Children's Hospital taking care of healthy newborns and giving parents anticipatory guidance after the birth of their child.

Elective Rotations

We offer the full complement of core pediatric subspecialty rotations (Cardiology, Pulmonology, GI, Nephrology, ID, etc) all of which are done in house at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. In addition, each resident has several blocks in which they have the opportunity to determine their own curricula, including creating their own electives. Past electives have included ultrasound, transport, hospitalist, urgent care, and research.

Continuity Clinic

Residents are allocated one half-day a week at one of nine clinic sites. These sites are located anywhere from five to 30 minutes away from the main hospital campus. Clinic sites range from hospital-based clinics to community-based health centers, to private practices. The wide range of clinics offered allows residents to choose which type of outpatient pediatric clinic they would prefer. Additionally, all residents rotate through our hospital-based clinic. Our residents are also able to transition to a subspecialty clinic site once they have chosen their career path in their third year.

Schedule by Year

PL1 Year


The PL1 resident spends with six blocks on one our three inpatient teams – general pediatrics (Rainbows), mixed subspecialty (Ladders) and (hematology/oncology (Stars) – each in equal measure. The remainder of the year includes one block each of NICU, ED, Well-Baby Nursery, Adolescent Medicine, and Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrics, two weeks of a Community Pediatric Advocacy rotation (CPA), as well as a rotation devoted to improving residents' procedural and evidence-based medicine skills. 

During the non-inpatient rotations, the only in-hospital responsibilities are cross-coverage of the ED on weekends, usually two out of the four weeks.

  • Inpatient General Pediatrics (Rainbows) Junior: 2 blocks
  • Subspecialty (Ladders) Junior: 2 blocks
  • Heme/Onc (Stars) Junior: 2 blocks
  • ED Junior: 1 block
  • Well-baby Nursery: 1 block
  • NICU Junior: 1 block
  • Adolescent: 1 block
  • Developmental Pediatrics: 1 block
  • Community Pediatrics and Advocacy: 1/2 block
  • PBLI: 2 weeks
  • Vacation: 1 block

PL2 Year

In PL2 year our residents take on supervisory responsibilities for their PL1 colleagues, and also spend time exploring subspecialty interests and other individualized rotations. All PL2s have three months as inpatient senior team leader (split among each of the three teams), plus 2 weeks of Quality Improvement, and one month each of NICU, ED, PICU, Community Pediatrics and Advocacy, and half a month at our on-campus Child Advocacy Center, the regional referral center for evaluation of non-accidental injuries and sexual trauma in children. 

The remaining time is spent on subspecialty rotations of the resident's choice (three months), plus one and a half individual blocks, where residents may design their own rotations or choose from among other well-established ones; some popular choices include Research, Resident-as-Teacher, Lactation, and additional supervisory experience in the Well-Baby Nursery.

  • Inpatient General Pediatrics (Rainbows) Senior: 1 month
  • Subspecialty (Ladders) Senior: 1 month
  • Heme/Onc (Stars) Senior: 2 weeks
  • ED Senior: 1 month
  • PICU Junior: 1 month
  • NICU: 1 month
  • Elective Rotations: 3 months
  • Individualized Rotations: 1.5 months
  • Community Pediatrics and Advocacy: 2 weeks
  • Quality Improvement: 2 weeks
  • Child Advocacy Center (CAC): 2 weeks
  • Vacation: 4 weeks

PL3 Year

Supervisory responsibilities in the PL3 year include two and a half months as senior resident on the inpatient teams, one month of NICU, one month of ED, and also expand to being senior resident of the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). 

The rest of the year is divided between elective subspecialties and individual rotations. 

Most PL3 residents spend their individual rotations preparing for their planned careers: a resident planning a career in outpatient general pediatrics may spend a month at a clinic or private practice, a resident planning a career in emergency medicine may spend a month doing ultrasounds, a resident planning a career as a hospitalist may spend a month as a "pretending" (or "practice attending") hospitalist on the general pediatrics inpatient team, and so on. Residents who feel they need the time may also spend an individual month preparing for their pediatric board certification exam.

Cross-coverage during these rotations is similar to PL2 year, and now also includes PICU coverage.

  • Inpatient General Pediatrics (Rainbows) Senior: 1 month
  • Subspecialty (Ladders) Senior: 1 month
  • Heme/Onc (Stars) Senior: 2 weeks
  • ED Senior: 1 month
  • PICU Senior: 1 month
  • NICU: 1 month
  • Elective Rotations: 3 months
  • Individualized Rotations: 3 months
  • Community Pediatrics and Advocacy: 2 weeks
  • Vacation: 4 weeks 


Residents attend their continuity clinic weekly throughout their training. All residents also have one call-free block; most residents use it during their PL3 year – this is a good time to do international rotations or rotations at other institutions if they wish. Many residents in the past have done away rotations at private offices, global health locations, and specialized departments at other hospitals.

General Schedule of Rotations Over Three Years





Inpatient Pediatrics

General Pediatrics

8 weeks

4 weeks

(team leader)

4 weeks

(team leader)



8 weeks

4 weeks

(team leader)

2 weeks

(team leader)


Mixed Subspecialty

8 weeks

4 weeks

4 weeks


Well-baby Nursery

4 weeks



Critical Care



4 weeks

4 weeks

(team leader)



4 weeks

4 weeks

4 weeks

Acute Care

Emergency Department

4 weeks

4 weeks

(team leader)

4 weeks

(team leader)


Adolescent Medicine

4 weeks




Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics

4 weeks




Subspecialty Elective


12 weeks

12 weeks


Additional Experiences

Community Pediatrics & Advocacy

2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks



Quality Improvement


2 weeks

2 weeks



Individualized Curriculum*


6 weeks

12 weeks



Procedures/Evidence-Based Medicine

2 weeks





Child Abuse Pediatrics


2 weeks





4 weeks

4 weeks

4 weeks


Sample Daily Schedule







7 a.m. - 8 a.m.

Pre-Round and Sign-Out

8 a.m. - 9 a.m.

Clinical Reasoning Conference

Grand Rounds

Clinical Reasoning Conference

9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Family-Centered Rounds

11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Patient Care and Clinic Sign-Out

12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

Noontime Core Conference

1 p.m. - 5p.m.

Patient Care/Afternoon Didactics/Psychosoicial Rounds

5 p.m.

Sign-Out to Overnight Residents


Fellowship Matches

We are proud of our residents’ success in obtaining competitive fellowship positions in the fields of their choice.







Adolescent Medicine

Children’s Hospital at Montefiore



University of Arizona


St Louis University

Critical Care

Cohen Children’s

Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM)

Connecticut Children’s (UConn)



Connecticut Children’s (UConn)

Johns Hopkins



UT SouthWestern 


Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital

Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Johns Hopkins





Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)


Jefferson/Nemours Children’s Hospital


SickKids Hospital (Toronto)


Phoenix Children’s Hospital


Children’s Hospital at Montefiore


Critical Care

MassGeneral Hospital for Children

Penn State

Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Mt. Sinai

Good Samaritan Long Island


Children's Hospital of Montefiore (CHAM)

Stony Brook

Maria Fareri/Westchester Medical Center


MD Anderson

Children’s Hospital LA

Infectious Disease

NYU Langone


Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP)

Critical Care

Cohen Children’s


Nicklaus Children’s


Children's Hospital of Montefiore (CHAM)


Maria Fareri/Westchester Medical Center


Cohen Children’s

Infectious Disease

Cincinatti Children’s

Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine

Maria Fareri/Westchester Medical Center

Maria Fareri/Westchester Medical Center


Baylor/Texas Children’s

Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Adolescent Medicine

University of Miami




Children's National

Cohen Children's 


MD Anderson

Maria Fareri/Westchester Medical Center


New York Presbyterian Columbia/Cornell

Infectious Disease

Children's National


Penn State




Cohen Children’s

Critical Care

Cohen Children’s


Virginia Commonwealth University

Emergency Medicine

University of Connecticut

UT Houston at Texas Medical Center

Global Health

Boston Children's 

Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine

University of Florida


Johns Hopkins



Current Pediatric Residents

Class of 2025
Class of 2026
Class of 2027 

Jessica Adukuzhiyil, DO
Medical School: New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine
 Putnam Valley, NY
Career Goals:
To be a great pediatrician!
Fun Fact:
I used to play the flute and the piano
I am part of the Gold Humanism Honor Society
Hiking, traveling, plants, dancing, cooking
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH:
 The diverse pathologies that come into the hospital and the welcoming and very supportive environment the program provides.

Bhavsimran Anand, MD
Medical School: St. George's University School of Medicine
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Career Goals: Undecided, but excited to explore all of the sub-specialties offered at WMC.
Fun Fact: I have 2 fur-babies named Mia and Poppy
Accomplishments: Getting to this point! I am very grateful I get to attend my top choice residency program.
Hobbies: Pilates, traveling, attempting random TikTok recipes, playing with my dog Mia, and going on food adventures
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The people, vast exposure to multiple pediatric sub-specialties, and the warm & welcoming environment.

Sena Arbag, MD
Medical School: Hacettepe University Medical School 
Hometown: Konya, Turkey
Career Goals: TBD
Fun Fact: I was a math nerd in high school and competed internationally for Turkey. At the end of medical school, I was invited to a meeting at the Presidential Complex and met the President of Turkey.
Accomplishments: Once, I cooked 19 different traditional Turkish dishes and fed 15 people all by myself, including the cleaning.
Hobbies: Cooking and eating, exploring upstate parks with my husband, ballroom dancing. 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Kind, friendly, and supportive residents and faculty, the hospital itself, and the location.

Shreya Bhandari, MD
Medical School: Ponce School of Medicine and Health Sciences
Lansdale, PA
Career Goals: 
Acute care subspecialty (PEM/NICU/PICU), MedEd
Fun Fact: 
I spend a lot of time on Spotify
I learned Spanish while studying medicine in Puerto Rico!
Yoga, hiking, trying new restaurants, dancing, making playlists
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
Everyone in the program is really supportive, cares about your learning, and wants you to become the best pediatrician you can possibly be! Also I love the kid-friendly atmosphere of the hospital.


Megan Benn, MD
Medical School: St. George's University School of Medicine
Hometown: Mount Vernon, NY
Career Goals: To be a great pediatrician
Fun Fact: My mother is Trinidadian and Father is Jamaican. I spent most of my childhood summers in Trinidad.
Accomplishments: Graduating from medical school and matching into the best specialty.
Hobbies: Traveling, Baking, gardening, and watching Disney movies from 90s!
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The welcoming environment. Everyone is very friendly and willing to help!

Sydney Brannen, MBBCh 
Medical School: University College Cork
Hometown: Markham, ON, Canada 
Career Goals: Pediatric Hematology Oncology  
Fun Fact: I was once an extra on Real Housewives of Atlanta  
Accomplishments: Being able to time manage being a competitive dancer while in my undergraduate degree and medical school, maintaining both the sport and my academics
Hobbies: Dancing, Travelling, Trying new foods, going to the cinema, and reading a good book
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: I love that we have our own inpatient Hematology-oncology service, providing me with tons of opportunity to learn and hone my skills in the subspecialty and achieve my personal goals 

Simran Bhatti, DO
Medical School:New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine
Dix Hills, NY
Career Goals: 
Not sure yet, but most likely a pediatric subspecialty. Just trying to keep an open mind throughout residency and figure out what I really love!
Fun Fact: 
English wasn't my first language, Punjabi was! And I have a pet shrimp named Shrimpy.
Getting published in the JMCC last year and learning how to swim this summer!
Anything food related (cooking, baking, and especially eating), listening to podcasts (my favorite right now is Crime Junkie), bingeing Netflix, traveling and spending time with my family and friends!
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
The people and the pathologies! Everyone has been so kind and welcoming, it really makes you feel at home and helps foster a supportive environment to learn and grow! Also, there's no such thing as "zebra" diagnoses at MFCH. The hospital caters to such a large scope of patients that you get to see a lot of interesting and sometimes unexpected diagnoses!

Brocha Brooks, MD
Medical School: Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Hometown: Lakewood, NJ
Career Goals: Undecided
Hobbies: Hiking, biking, jigsaw puzzles
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The people

Marissa Cardinal, DO 
Medical School: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: Mineola, NY
Career Goals: Subspecializing in something inpatient and working towards improving care for patients with disabilities and medical complexities
Fun Fact: I once slept out in Rockefeller Plaza in December to get tickets to watch an SNL taping
Accomplishments: Making it through medical school with a chronic illness I feared would get in my way and using my experience with it to help others
Hobbies: Trivia, photography, growing plants and arranging flowers, watching NY Ranger games, and spending time with loved ones
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Getting to care for kids with a variety of conditions alongside wonderful and dedicated co-residents and attendings

Keanna Chang, MD
Medical School: University of Connecticut School of Medicine
Old Saybrook, CT
Career Goals: 
Emergency Pediatrics or General Pediatrics
Fun Fact: 
I taught tree climbing in college, culminating in a trip to the Redwoods in California where we slept at the top of 300-foot-tall giant sequoias.
I biked across the country from the Washington coast to the Connecticut coast during the summer of 2019.
Rock climbing, running, biking, hiking, eating chocolate
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
Everyone is always willing to help!


James Dalmeny, MBBCh
Medical School: NUI Galway School of Medicine
Hometown: Galway, Ireland
Career Goals: Something procedural, I think.
Fun Fact: I’m not the American James.
Accomplishments: Recognised by the Irish Pediatrics Association for auditing the calculation of ideal body weight and dosing of IV theophylline during status asthmaticus in overweight patients.
Hobbies: Playing/watching/coaching/fantasy football. Yes I mean soccer.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Co-residents, faculty, location, patient variety.

Johan Chabanon, MD 
Medical School: American University of Antigua
Hometown: Springfield, NJ (among others)
Career Goals: Interested in ID, working for low-income communities, public/global health
Fun Fact: I was once tasked with genetically engineering filarial worms. 
Accomplishments: Matching here!
Hobbies: Soccer, reading, exercising, being with my cat and dog (not at the same time, they fight) 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The facilities are amazing, it’s a very child-friendly design, and it is definitely the best smelling hospital I’ve ever been in. You also get to see all sorts of diverse and interesting cases, while being able to learn from the experts who treat those cases. Everyone is very warm and welcoming.

Brianna Cocuzzo, MD
Medical School: Nova Southeastern University College of Allopathic Medicine
North Salem, NY
Career Goals: 
My goal is to be a Neonatologist at a high level NICU with very premature babies. I also want to have a NICU follow-up so I can see the little ones I took care of grow.
Fun Fact: 
I have two rescue puppies Clare and Kerry. They are real sisters and I have had them since my friend found them outside when they were 6 weeks old. I enjoy taking them for hikes, taking them running, and going to the beach and Starbucks with them.
Accomplishments: Scholarship to medical school for four years based on application and performance. Won an award for best Service Learning Project at my medical school for a Drowning Prevention Project with low income children. Won a President's Choice Award at a Research Conference with my Research Team for a project on the impact of Virtual Reality on Chronic Pain in Children.

Long distance running, I have run marathons in three different countries. Raised money for charities to help children with these events.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
Everyone is so nice! Even though it is a hospital with a lot of sick kids, it is not a sad environment. I think we make patients and families feel as much "at home" as possible.

Jennifer Gardner, DO
Medical School: Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: East Brunswick, NJ
Career Goals: Maybe PEM, but still deciding
Fun Fact: My Birthday is on Valentine's Day
Accomplishments: Suturing my co-interns hand after she cut it during our second month of intern year.
Hobbies: Baking, Biking, Sports.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: My co-residents.

Megan Chisesi, DO 
Medical School: California Health Sciences University-COM
Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO
Career Goals: Not sure yet but most likely fellowship!
Fun Fact: I have a dog named Popcorn Chicken
Accomplishments: Having a research poster win 1st place during medical school
Hobbies: Playing board games, soccer, video games
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The people

Ghita Elmejjati Burdier, MD
Medical School: Chicago Medical School, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
Hometown: Astoria, NY
Career Goals: 
Fun Fact: 
I have a baby and a fur baby name Eloise 
Accomplishments: Fluent in Moroccan Arabic, first person in my family to go to college

Hanging out with my son, Pilates, traveling, trying new restaurants, binge-watching reality tv
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
The people!


Katherine Gorecki, DO
Medical School: Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: Levittown, NY
Career Goals: General Pediatrician
Fun Fact: I am adopted from China and I have a younger sister who is not adopted. As kids people would constantly get confused.
Accomplishments: Getting my first lumbar puncture.
Hobbies: Baking
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The people. My co-residents are some of the smartest and nicest people I know. We get along great and try to do group activities together when we get a chance

Morgan Dykman, MD 
Medical School: University of Minnesota
Hometown: Madison, WI 
Career Goals: Pediatric Dermatologist 
Fun Fact: I’m an airport dad. 
Accomplishments: My banana bread. 
Hobbies: Mountain biking, trail running and back country skiing 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: I love the laid back vibes (not while taking care of patients, of course!)

Steven (Shloimy) Gold, MD
Medical School: New York Medical College
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Career Goals: 
Something general, still figuring it out.
Fun Fact: 
I have something like 45 nieces and nephews! I actually lost count! 
Accomplishments: Ran three half-marathons together with a friend with Muscular Dystrophy

Sports, reading, family, friends and wine!
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
The residents! Everyone gets really close, really quickly and is so supportive. I love the people here!

Ahmed Haggag, MBChB
Medical School: Tanta University Faculty of Medicine
Hometown: Tanta, Egypt
Career Goals: Neonatology
Fun Fact: I’ve been to 5 continents and 20+ countries
Accomplishments: Graduating with an honor degree, completing neonatal-perinatal medicine fellowship
Hobbies: Running, playing soccer and traveling
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Amazing residents and faculty

Paul Fried, MD
Medical School: SUNY Downstate Health and Sciences University 
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY 
Career Goals: Pediatric Gastroenterology
Accomplishments: Raising two kids while in medical school + residency 
Hobbies: Woodworking, Vegetable gardening 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: I love being in an environment like the MFCH children's hospital where every single person you meet is devoted towards providing excellent care to children in need. 

Kyra Holler, DO
Medical School: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie
Hometown: Fort Collins, CO
Career Goals: 
Probably a fellowship, but I'm not sure what yet! I would also love to be more involved with advocating for my community.
Fun Fact: 
I became interested in Pediatrics after I had an amazing rotation with attendings who really cared about us as students. This changed the trajectory of my career and has made me really reflect on the way that our mentors shape our futures. Plus, kids are hands-down better than adults! 
Accomplishments: Throughout medical school, I became a Licensed Crisis Counselor and volunteered for a local Domestic Violence Shelter. Here, I had the opportunity to directly help victims and their families with safety planning and navigating the legal system.

I love the following: spending quality time with family and friends, reading fiction, yoga, traveling to beautiful new places, shopping, skiing, strong coffee, a well-timed margarita, teaching myself to crochet, trashy reality tv, playing Stardew Valley, avoiding insects at all costs, and spending too much time on Tiktok.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
In my short time here, I have been blown away by the support you receive in this program from both the leadership and your peers. A really important aspect of picking a residency program for me was ensuring that I would fit in, feel supported, and be a contributing member of the team. I feel like I will have no problem achieving my goals in this program, as well as aiding others in achieving theirs.


May Igawa, MD
Medical School: Sackler School of Medicine
Hometown: Miami, FL
Career Goals: Undecided, considering general pediatrics, adolescent medicine, and PEM
Fun Fact: I have lived in 3 countries, most recently in Israel for a decade, and speak 5 languages.
Accomplishments: Having my adorable daughter during medical school and being the first doctor in my family.
Hobbies: Walks in nature, going to the beach, spinning, high intensity interval training, learning new languages.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The wide variety of cases we see (and rarely ever having to transfer them out), the diversity in our patient population, and the camaraderie of the residents.

Jane Gabriel, DO 
Medical School: New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine  
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Career Goals: To become a neonatologist  
Fun Fact: I'm left-handed
Accomplishments: My greatest accomplishment is being a dedicated role model and fostering a close-knit relationship with my younger siblings. With a 10-year age gap between us, I naturally took on a parental role from a young age. Despite my own career aspirations and personal goals, I have always made their education, mental health, and overall well-being a top priority, especially during times when our parents weren't as present. I have consistently advocated for them and ensured that they felt supported and valued. This commitment to their growth has not only strengthened our bond but also taught them the importance of family and goal-setting. I'm proud that my siblings feel comfortable coming to me with anything, whether serious or trivial, and that they have adopted a strong sense of family and ambition, much like myself. I will gladly continue to support them in any way I can to ensure they have the best quality of life possible.
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, playing Super Smash Brothers
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: What I love most about this residency program is the comprehensive access to all subspecialties. The program provides extensive exposure to various specialties, and even though it is a children's hospital, we still have easy access to the adult side which allows us contact with adult specialty providers as well. This setup ensures that we can provide the most thorough and specialized care to our pediatric patients. The diverse range of cases and specialties available to us not only enhances our learning experience but also prepares us to handle complex pediatric conditions with confidence.

Scott Lallier, DO
Medical School: Lincoln Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: Durham, NC
Career Goals: 
Undecided, maybe cardiology
Fun Fact: 
Have had three bear encounters in the wild
Frisbee, running, basketball, yoga, meditation. 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
The people!

Genevieve Ille, MD
Medical School: University of Oklahoma College of Medicine 
Hometown: Oklahoma City, OK
Career Goals: Undecided, but I like inpatient the best! Maybe hospital medicine or PEM.
Fun Fact: I'm not a runner... but I have run two half marathons with two of my best friends! I also was a dance teacher at a local studio throughout college and part of medical school!
Accomplishments: I got to create and serve as the first Health and Wellness Chair of my medical school class when I recognized a need for this position!
Hobbies: Taking my dog on walks/hikes, watching sports (Boomer Sooner & Thunder Up), dancing/choreographing, and trying out yummy restaurants with picturesque patios with my husband!
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Couples match friendly, wide catchment area with large diversity of pathology, very hands on, medium size program, and of course, THE PEOPLE!

Christine Hartl, DO 
Medical School: Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine 
Hometown: Morris Plains, NJ
Career Goals: NICU, but keeping my mind open through residency
Fun Fact: I was born at 29 weeks weighing just over 3 pounds! I was so tiny, I had to use face masks as diapers since smaller ones didn't exist.
Accomplishments: I had the opportunity to help deliver a set of triplets and follow their progress from NICU to home!  
Hobbies: Playing volleyball, baking, befriending various animals, and hanging out with friends and family
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: My co-interns and the senior residents! Everyone is so kind and always willing to lend a helping hand.

Aitan Magence, MD
Medical School: New York Medical College
Hometown: Toronto, Canada
Career Goals: 
I would like to complete a Pediatric Subspecialty, possibly neonatology, pediatric emergency medicine, or child and adolescent psychiatry. I am going into my residency with an open mind! Ultimately, I would like to work in academic medicine as I love teaching and working with medical students to help them achieve their career goals!
Fun Fact: 
I am Canadian! I am a certified international lifeguard, swimming and canoeing instructor, and have my boating license. I was a university professor, academic advisor, and intern at the NYC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner prior to medical school. I also helped write science content for a number of science-themed board games and helped edit some science-themed children’s books.
Accomplishments: I was inducted as a member of the Gold Humanism Honor Society. Along with an amazing team of educators and advocates, I developed a longitudinal disabilities awareness and inclusion curriculum for healthcare professionals, which has been successfully integrated into the New York Medical College’s School of Medicine curriculum.

Baking, swimming, true crime books and documentaries, writing musical parodies, playing with my nieces and nephews.  
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
The people! I was drawn to pediatrics as a career because of the amazing clinical and ancillary teams that I got to work with at MFCH during my medical school rotations. I loved it so much that I decided to join the MFCH family as a resident!


Heather Jao, DO
Medical School: Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine
Career Goals: Unsure at the moment. Leaning more towards general pediatrics, but eventually would like to open my own clinic.
Fun Fact: My house is always stocked with food, so if you are hungry, come find me. Accomplishments: Received the New Mexico Hospital Medicine award for student of the year! Hobbies: Scrapbooking, cooking, photography
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: My co-residents and the decor of the hospital!

Brian Holt, MD 
Medical School: New York Medical College 
Hometown: Holbrook, NY
Career Goals: Fellowship maybe in critical care or emergency medicine
Fun Fact: I have a self-contained ecosystem that just turned 3 years old.
Accomplishments: First person in my family to attain a doctorate. 
Hobbies: Cooking, hiking, mountain biking, yoga, gardening, video games, and movies!
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The people who make up this program.

Margaret Maloney, MD
Medical School: Stony Brook University School of Medicine
Hometown: Decatur, AL
Career Goals: 
In-Hospital Care (whether as a hospitalist or otherwise)
Fun Fact: 
I was a book editor for four years before I changed careers to medicine. When I went back to do my pre-med coursework, the only course requirement I had already filled was in the English Department.
Accomplishments: I have completed internships in both General Surgery and Family Medicine.

I love making things; I quilt and I do needlepoint, and try most crafts at least once. I spend a TON of time hanging out with my grade school age nephews. I'm a fan of all things RuPaul's Drag Race. I read lots of queer romance novels. And I've got a monstera deliciosa plant that's practically a family member at this point.  
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
I rotated at MFCH as a family medicine resident, and fell completely in love with the hospital and the program, and went through the Match again so I could join. My favorite thing is the kids and their families; I love spending time with them on the floor.

Anna King, MD
Medical School: Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans 
Hometown:  Nashville, TN
Career Goals: Pediatric Infectious Disease
Fun Fact: I like baking as well as cooking, but I'm not very good at it
Accomplishments: Anytime I can help a patient, I feel proud
Hobbies: Cooking, reading
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: My co-residents

Monica Marmer, MD 
Medical School: Sackler School of Medicine
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Career Goals: Right now I’m thinking about PICU possibly followed by Palliative or Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Definitely looking for something procedural and excited to explore different subspecialties!
Fun Fact: I was a competitive figure skater for 10 years and I have a pet macaw!
Accomplishments: Raised money for an organization for individuals with special needs by rappelling down a 20 story building
Hobbies: Skiing, figure skating, busting moves on the dance floor and painting.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The incredibly diverse patient population and my warm and supportive co-residents!

Kimberly Monteferante, MD
Medical School: St. George's University School of Medicine
Hometown: Putnam Valley, NY
Career Goals: 
Adolescent Medicine Specialist
Fun Fact: 
I attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for MFCH when I was in first grade.
Accomplishments: I was an All-American collegiate field hockey player.

Crossfit, reading  
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
My co-residents and attendings. 


Madison Monroe, MD
Medical School: Meharry Medical College School of Medicine
Hometown: Chattanooga, TN
Career Goals: Child Abuse Pediatrics or Gen Peds
Fun Fact: I have a 6 year old cockapoo named Kalimotxo
Accomplishments: Hearing from patients how I was able to help them.
Hobbies: Amigarumi crochet, true crime documentaries, traveling, reading
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The people!

Denisse Moncada Figueroa, MD 
Medical School: Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil
Hometown: Guayaquil, Ecuador 
Career Goals: NICU
Hobbies: Baseball, hiking, biking 

Deepa Badrinath Murthy, MBBS
Medical School:Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences
Bengaluru, India
Career Goals:
A Successful Pediatric Endocrinologist
Fun Fact:
Riding the space mountain solo when I was only three years old.
Trained classical singer
I love to swim, cook during my spare time
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH:
Everyone is so warm and friendly and get along really well with each other!

Juliana Nitis, MD
Medical School: Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Hometown: Southfield, MI
Career Goals: Child Neurology
Fun Fact: I am passionate about re-blooming orchids!
Accomplishments: In medical school, I assisted in developing a program that matches medical students with pediatric patients undergoing lengthy hospital stays allowing for the development of supportive non-medical relationships.
Hobbies: Cycling, baking, reading
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: My co-interns and outstanding seniors! 

Sarah Muharomah, MD
Medical School: Universitas Gadjah Mada
Hometown: Jakarta, Indonesia 
Career Goals: General Pediatrics 
Fun Fact: I can drive a manual transmission and actually enjoy it!
Accomplishments: I’ve traveled to many countries and embraced different cultures along the way. 
Hobbies: I enjoy discovering new places and diving into a good book.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The friendly vibe and all the chances to learn and grow. 

Patricia Pleta, DO
Medical School: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie
Hometown: Oakton, VA
Career Goals: 
NICU or Adolescent Medicine
Fun Fact: 
I built my desktop PC
Accomplishments: Black Belt in Gumdo

Video gaming on PC, PS4, and Switch, reading historical fiction novels, watching anime and a variety of movies, and diamond painting  
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
The hospital is beautiful and I love how the residents support each other as we continue to learn.

Sarvani Ramcharran, DO
Medical School: Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: Stow, OH
Career Goals: 100% I want to do inpatient care. Hospitals make me feel smarter—I enjoy collaborating with different specialists and coming up with multi-system care plans.
Fun Fact: I love rodents and am happy discuss this further with anyone who will listen.
Accomplishments: I wrote medical advocacy letters for refugees in ICE facilities with health issues that were not being adequately addressed in detention. With a lawyer and supervising doctor, I’d review their medical records, find holes in their care, and hopefully help make a strong enough case for them to be released.
Hobbies: Reading reading reading! Live music, barre, photography, and earning my hamster’s affection.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: My co-residents, especially my seniors. Every single one I’ve worked with I’m aspiring to be more like in one way or another. Also, I’m very afraid of teaching but being a resident in an academic medical center has been great exposure therapy.

Saleena Nasary, DO 
Medical School: Nova Southeastern University KPCOM
Hometown: Glen Cove, NY
Career Goals: I'd love to open my own practice one day, working alongside my nurse sisters.  
Fun Fact: I can solve a rubiks cube 
Accomplishments: I once saved a kid from drowning 
Hobbies: Bingeing Love Island, playing volleyball and pickleball, going on walks while I listen to the same 3 songs on repeat 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The diverse patient population makes it a great environment to learn! 

Laura Prunty, DO
Medical School: Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: New York, NY
Career Goals: 
To be an awesome Pediatrician to many wonderful kiddos- in what subspecialty to be decided!
Fun Fact: 
I've traveled to seven percent of the world. 
Accomplishments: Black Belt in Gumdo

Traveling as seen from my fun facts; finding reality shows to watch on TV
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
The people! Everyone is so supportive and welcoming. I always feel comfortable asking questions and learning!


Puneet Singh, DO
Medical School: New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: Northampton, MA
Career Goals: Pediatric Subspecialty
Fun Fact: I’m fluent in 4 languages
Accomplishments: I engineered a vector to study estrogen receptor action, estrogen regulation, and related breast cancer risks more efficiently!
Hobbies: Exploring new restaurants, hiking, traveling, and dancing
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: My co-residents are amazing and supportive!

Rakesh Nayak, MBBS 
Medical School: Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine
Hometown: Mahottari, Nepal
Career Goals: I want to be a neonatologist. 
Accomplishments: I matched at Westchester Medical Center which was my preferred program. I passed a merit based exam in Nepal and got to study in the best medical school of Nepal, IOM. 
Hobbies: My hobbies are to eat all types of food in different places, play with my daughter and read online webnovels. I basically read about fantasy and magic. 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: My favorite thing at MFCH is hanging out with colleagues and helping everybody as much as I can. I love my post call days too. 

Rochelle Rubinstein, MD
Medical School: New York Medical College
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Career Goals: 
Pediatric Cardiology
Fun Fact: 
I once donated my hair to make a wig for a child with cancer.
Accomplishments: Best aunt to three cuties. Presented research at a national conference at age 20. American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor. Learned how to scuba dive in Israel. I taught myself how to solve a Rubik’s cube.

Hiking, Biking, Painting, Swimming. 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
The people who really work hard to create such a warm and supportive program and child and family friendly hospital. Also the sculptures on the front lawn.

Victoria Siracusa, DO
Medical School: Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: Bronx, NY
Career Goals: Most likely an inpatient based specialty - hospitalist or NICU…but really keeping an open mind to anything!
Fun Fact: I won the Bronx County science fair in 5th grade!
Accomplishments: I was president of my Student Osteopathic Medical Association chapter in medical school and advocated for COVID-19 relief packages on Capitol Hill during the height of the pandemic.
Hobbies: Trying new restaurants and craft cocktails, taking barre workout classes, and going on adventures with my husband and our fuzzy child, Milo- a Cavalier/Golden Retriever mix.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The wide scope of pathology, the incredibly intelligent attendings, and our tight-knit group of co-residents!

Abdul Rafay Pasha, MBBS
Medical School: Allama Iqbal Medical College
Hometown: Lahore, Pakistan
Career Goals: Anesthesiologist, Pain Specialist
Fun Fact: I won Best Actor in a role in Medical School
Accomplishments: Preliminary Pediatrics at MFCH 
Hobbies: Singing, acting, basketball, pickleball, cricket, hiking, cinemophile, table tennis
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Program leadership interest in well-being of every resident

Srujana Sattari, MBBS
Medical School: Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences
Hometown: Grafton, MA & Hyderabad, India
Career Goals: 
Plan on doing a fellowship, not sure which one yet.
Fun Fact: 
I've lived half my life in the US and the other half in India.
Accomplishments: I'm a black belt in karate.

All things mystery! Books, movies, TV shows. Enjoy being active and on my feet, whether it's on a hike or a stroll or playing a sport.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
It's a great group of people, very welcoming and supportive. Love that the hospital is very oriented towards kids, including the fire truck, the fish tank, and the baseball hall!

Adira Teitelbaum, MD
Medical School: SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Career Goals: To be decided, but likely general outpatient pediatrics
Fun Fact: I wanted to play the harp for 15 years and finally started playing a month before matching into residency!
Accomplishments: I consider every small amount of help or comfort I am able to give to my patients as a resident to be an accomplishment.
Hobbies: Gardening, playing music, art, reading, and hiking.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The people! And the sheer amount of resources at our fingertips

Zachary Rosenberg, MD 
Medical School: St. George's University
Hometown: Montreal
Career Goals: Probably Pediatric Hospitalist. I enjoy dealing with a diversity of cases and interacting with children of all ages. There's teaching, problem solving, and humanity - it's got everything.
Fun Fact: Became a head hockey coach at age 21.
Accomplishments: Big fan of being a big family man. Nothing's more important.
Hobbies: Playing hockey, reading sci-fi, and sleeping.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: It's an amazing hospital where we see an incredible volume and diversity of cases. Plus the residents, attendings and supporting staff are all really nice. Great place to go to work every day.

Rouba Sayegh, MD
Medical School: Lebanese University Faculty of Medical Sciences
Hometown: Beirut, Lebanon
Career Goals: 
Pediatric infectious disease
Fun Fact: 
I love cakes, if you see me with cake, please take it away from me!
Hanging out with family and friends, baking, reading, hiking. 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
Very friendly atmosphere, the giant chess set

Ruba Abdul Wahed, MD

Medical School: Damascus, Syria
Career Goals: I am interested in endocrine and metabolic diseases in children, including inborn errors of metabolism, I was lucky to get training in peds endocrinology, and hope to get a fellowship in genetics/inborn errors of metabolism too!
Fun Fact: My big failure in cooking is French Fries. I have tried tens of recipes to no avail! I really gave up but if you have a guaranteed recipe, I might try again!
Accomplishments: I thought attaining a degree or the board/certificate would be my big accomplishment, however after I went through many experiences and training paths, I feel I have always gotten what I wanted to accomplish with my degree/certificate! Helping my patients to the best I can!
Hobbies: I have recently become addicted to playing chess.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Education is a priority here! People are very friendly! Campus residence is very convenient too.

Monika Sampath, MBBS 
Medical School: Govt Mohan Kumaramangalam medical college, Tamilnadu, India 
Hometown: Arakkonam, India
Career Goals: I have always been passionate about general pediatrics, but I am also keeping an eye on allergy and immunology.
Fun Fact: A fun fact about me is that I have explored seven countries so far, and I aim to visit a hundred.
Accomplishments: Coming from a place where girls’ education is often undervalued, my achievement as a doctor has inspired my community to prioritize educating girls.
Hobbies: Exploring new places, new cuisines, reading novels and coin collections from different countries
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Its warm and friendly environment, as well as an excellent place to learn.

Joseph (Yosef) Schwob, DO
Medical School: New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Career Goals: 
Fun Fact: 
I had a new baby, two weeks after Match Day
Accomplishments: I ran two half marathons, both in under two hours!

Spending time with family, running, listening to music. 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
Supportive faculty and vibrant camaraderie amongst the residents.

Angela Wang-Negri, MD
Medical School: New York Medical College 
Hometown: Scarsdale, NY
Career Goals: Being a reliable pediatrician that my patients recommend to their loved ones!
Fun Fact: My summer camp sweetheart and I got married right before medical school.
Accomplishments: Surviving medical school.
Hobbies: Sewing, cooking, exploring NYC restaurants
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Kind, patient attendings and seniors who are enthusiastic teachers.


Surendra Shrestha, MBBS 
Medical School: Xiangya School of Medicine 
Hometown: Kathmandu, Nepal
Career Goals: To be one of the best pediatricians.
Fun Fact: I believe myself to be a good cook. 
Accomplishments: I did my medical training in Mandarin 
Hobbies: Travelling, Cooking, Motor bike riding 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Supportive residents, cases ranging from bread and butter to more complex pathologies, supportive seniors and attendings. 

Joel Thomas, MD
Medical School: SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine
Hometown: Syosset, NY
Career Goals: 
Still deciding! Looking for something challenging and pathophysiology focused.
Fun Fact: 
Crocodiles cannot stick their tongue out. Oh, you meant my fun fact? I am a big fan of Marvel/DC superheroes! My favorite is, obviously, Spiderman.
Accomplishments: I have been working with kids through organizations/non-profits since middle school! 

Non-profit work, camping, going down rabbit holes, and reading history (I will easily spend all day in a museum).
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
The people and the autonomy residents have! Plus, the hospital is clearly designed for kids.

James Worfolk, MD
Medical School: Eastern Virginia Medical School of the Medical College of Hampton Roads
Hometown: Springfield, VA
Career Goals: Endocrine, PEM, or GAP/General Pediatrics
Fun Fact: I’m not the Irish James.
Accomplishments: Being the first physician in my family on either side!
Hobbies: Snowboarding, boxing, climbing, SCUBA, cooking, baking, Horology
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The diversity in the residents, patient population, and leadership!

Asmita Sigdel, MBBS
Medical School: Comilla Medical School
Hometown: Kathmandu, Nepal  
Career Goals: Gen Peds/Undecided  
Fun Fact: I can speak 4 languages 
Hobbies: Dancing, cooking and listening to music, yoga and meditation. 
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Amazing people here I am so glad to have wonderful co-residents, senior residents and faculty. 

Lila Yang, DO
Medical School: New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: Scarsdale, NY
Career Goals: 
Fun Fact: 
My favorite breakfast dish is a fried egg with sriracha and peanut butter on toast! Sounds odd but it’s really yummy!
Accomplishments: I have been working with kids through organizations/non-profits since middle school! 

Hiking, traveling, biking, trying new cafes and restaurants, yoga, and learning to cook!
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: 
The incredibly friendly and supportive co-residents and faculty!

Michael Young, DO
Medical School: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Hometown: Dix Hills – Long Island, NY
Career Goals: Heme/onc, but open to everything!
Fun Fact: I can sleep literally forever.
Accomplishments: I try not to be proud of my own accomplishments; just happy to be here.
Hobbies: Making/recording music & gaming.
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: Love all my co-interns and my senior residents have been nothing short of amazing!

Gabriel Steinberg, MD
Medical School: Technion 
Hometown: Monsey, NY
Career Goals: I want to specialize, not 100% sure yet


Jessica Tall, MD
Medical School: Marshall University Joan C Edwards School of Medicine 
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Career Goals: Child neurology (maybe epilepsy/sleep/movement disorders) 
Fun Fact: I have done Ted Talk during my time in medical school  
Accomplishments: When I was recognized for mentor of the year as I love mentorship and aiding the bright minds of tomorrow!
Hobbies: Painting, cooking, writing, and learning facts for trivia  
Favorite thing about the program/MFCH: The hospital is so fun and beautiful. I also love the hospital turkeys
    Kritika Trehan, MBBS

Past Pediatric Residents

Class of 2023

Yaritzy Michelle Astudillo, MD 
Kristina Bezdickova, DO
Dan Brady, DO 
Maria Cabrera-Hernandez, MD 
Victoria (Tori) Close, MD 
Max Cohen, DO 
Charne Delport, DO
Elissa Dunlap, DO
Svetlana Duvidovich, DO
Aliza Grabie, MD
Brian Gu, MD
Marilyn Huamantla, MD
Chantel Johnson, MD
Ariella Kashi, MD
Yevgeniy Liverant, MD
Wenona Lok, DO
Angelo Louvros, DO
Alexis Mandon, MB, BCh, BAO
Alexandra (Sasha) Mazo, MD, PhD
Dave Plaza, MD
Menachem Rimler, MD

Class of 2022

Paul Mandaro, MD
Deena Miller, MD
Moshe Apfel, MD
Taya Carpenter, DO 
Elysia Cohen, MD
Rachel Finkel, MD 
Rachel Friedmann, DO
Aaron Grubner, MD 
Josh Hanau, MD
Dana Convissar Kessler, DO
Sepeedeh Kermalli, DO
Nevine Macalintal, MD 
Shanel Mehta, DO 
Samantha Pravder, DO
Roma Shah, DO
Olivia Shyong, DO
Keila Sole, DO 
Daniel Steiner, MD 
Heidy Wang, MD 
Rebecca Wachter, MD 

Class of 2021

Olubusayo Mercy Akinyemi, MD 
Najveen Alvi, MD
Junhong Ao, DO
Clare Bozso, DO 
Kayleigh Clark, MD
Stefanie Kagan, DO 
Sonam Kapoor, DO
Jennifer Kaswick, MD 
Nasim Khattab, MD
Julia Kim, DO 
Blake LeGrand, MD 
Amy Lu, MD 
Paul Mandaro, MD  
Deena Miller, MD 
Catherine Murphy, MD
Melani Olivares, MD  
Kelly Parness, DO  
Rachel Ronau, DO 
Nehal Shah, DO 
Chantal Talmor, MD
Kristen Wallace, DO

Resident Life

Our program prides itself on establishing close bonds among co-residents from day one. From the beginning at orientation to the final days at the graduation dinner, we truly become a family.

MFCH is located in Westchester County, New York. We are in the historic Hudson Valley region, a suburban area about 25 miles north of midtown Manhattan, and surrounded by the gorgeous Hudson River and Long Island Sound.

New York City is directly south of Westchester County, and Grand Central Station can be reached from MFCH by a 30-minute drive or a 25-minute train ride. NYC offers everything: a picnic in Central Park, cityscapes on the "Top-of-the Rock" at Rockefeller Center, Broadway shows, the Bronx Zoo, professional sports (the Yankees, the Knicks, the Rangers, the Giants, and the Jets), concerts, and some of the best and most diverse restaurants in the world.

Quick access to New York City is only one of the benefits of living in Westchester County. MFCH is a quick, 5-minute drive away from White Plains, which is the commercial and cultural hub of Westchester County. It offers an active nightlife, fine dining, performance arts, great living accommodations, and many shopping centers. It is the most popular place to live among our residents, although many of our residents also live in and commute from NYC.

The Hudson Valley region offers enormous opportunities for outdoor activity of all types: hiking, cycling, climbing, and just relaxing. One highlight is Bear Mountain State Park, a 40-minute drive north of MFCH. Located on the west bank of the Hudson River, this park offers hiking, biking and cross-country skiing along the Appalachian Trail, shaded picnic and camping areas, and opportunities for lake and river fishing. There are many beaches lining the Hudson River, Long Island Sound, and Atlantic Ocean, all within easy driving distance from MFCH.

Westchester has everything you'll need for creating a wonderful living experience.

Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital

View more photos capturing resident life

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  • Pediatrics (40 of 42)
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How to Apply

Our residency program participates in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). Applications are only accepted through ERAS. Applicants may apply to three-year categorical pediatric positions, as well as one-year and two-year pediatric preliminary positions. 

Our ACGME Identification Number is: 3203511176.

Application Requirements

Through ERAS, please submit the following:

  • Personal statement
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Photograph (optional)
  • Medical School transcript
  • Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) Letter
  • Three Letters of Recommendation
  • USMLE scores
  • If applicable, your standard certificate from the ECFMG. This is required prior to the start of residency.

Match Timeline

ERAS Opening Day: September 4, 2024
Applicant Interviews: Tuesdays and Thursdays, October to February
Match Day: March 21, 2025
Pediatric Orientation: June 23-27, 2025
Pediatric Residency Start Date: July 1, 2025

Criteria for Selection to Interview

We take a holistic approach to application review and have no specific cutoffs. We accept both USMLE and COMLEX scores. Please note: we do not have any cut off scores for USMLE or COMLEX tests. There is also no cut off for year of graduation from medical school. We review all applicants from a holistic standpoint, taking into account their overall diversity, skills, and experience. We also sponsor J-1 visas.


All applications received prior to November 15 will receive equal consideration. Interview invitations will be offered throughout the season on a rolling basis on Tuesdays and Thursdays, October through February, and interview invitations will be sent throughout the season as new slots open up. Interviews for invited applicants will be offered via Thalamus, the video conferencing platform. During the interview, applicants will be able to watch and participate in clinical reasoning conference, learn about the program from the director, interview with faculty, virtually tour the hospital, and chat with resident..


This year, these get-togethers will occur virtually over Zoom. Applicants invited to interview will receive a schedule of these events; an interactive activity is planned for each.

Contact Us

For More Information About Our Program:

Ms. Beth Woolf (Program Coordinator) -
Ms. Gloria Buono-Daly (Program Coordinator) –

Dr. Kapklein (Program Director) -
Dr. Eliana Segal, Dr. Sarah Korn, and Dr. Macahan Moore (Chief Residents):