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Date Published: Friday, June 29, 2018
Date Updated: Friday, June 30, 2023

Don't Fear Getting A Colonoscopy

Despite the fact that colon cancer is the third most common cancer found in men, fear and anxiety stop many from making a colonoscopy appointment. But the procedure is nothing to be afraid of.

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Despite the fact that colon cancer is the third most common cancer found in men, fear and anxiety stop many from making a colonoscopy appointment. But Roberto Bergamaschi, MD, Chief of Colorectal Surgery at Westchester Medical Center, the flagship of the WMCHealth Network, says the procedure is nothing to be scared of, and it remains your best chance to prevent colon cancer.

"Colon cancer rarely presents easily identifiable symptoms, especially in its early stages," says Dr. Bergamaschi.  "By having a colonoscopy, we're able to detect and remove potentially cancerous polyps at an early stage."

Why shouldn't you fear getting a colonoscopy, according to Dr. Bergamaschi?

#1 - Colonoscopy is the gold standard when it comes to detection

No other screening tool can detect and correct potential problems as early and with a much accuracy as a colonoscopy.  It's simply the best.

#2 - Preparation has become much more tolerable

Patients now typically consume a significantly smaller dose of prep liquid in the 24-hours before their procedure than in the past, and new products have made significant improvements to taste.

#3 - Pain is minimal

The colonoscope is a thin, flexible tube with a small camera on the end.  Patients are comfortably sedated prior to the procedure, and often don't feel a thing.

#4 - Recovery is quick

While it can take up to 24 hours after the procedure is complete to fully recover from the sedative, most patients are able to resume their normal routines - work, diet, exercise, etc. - the day after their colonoscopy.

#5 - The procedure is designed to prevent cancer and save lives

If you're putting off a colonoscopy because you're scared of the potential results, remember that preventative action is the best thing you can do to protect your health.  The earlier that colon cancer is detected, the higher the chance that it may be quickly and successfully treated.

To learn more about the colon cancer prevention services offered at Westchester Medical Center, visit or call 914.372.7196.