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Press Contacts

Andy LaGuardia
Senior Director, Network Strategic Communications
Westchester Medical Center Health Network (WMCHealth)
Contact for WMCHealth Network, Westchester Medical Center, Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital, Behavioral Health Center, Good Samaritan Hospital, St. Anthony Community Hospital, Bon Secours Community Hospital
Phone: 914.493.6532

Lynn Nichols
Director, Marketing and Communications, Northern Region
MidHudson Regional Hospital; HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley
Contact for MidHudson Regional Hospital, HealthAlliance Hospital, and Margaretville Hospital
Phone: 845.332.9441

Press Policies

Thank you for your interest in covering the WMCHealth Network. No matter where your story originates, the following policies apply. For campus-specific information, please see the News Vehicles and Press Parking tab below.

Member hospitals in the WMCHealth network are known locally, nationally and internationally for quality care and progressive thinking.  We are happy to field interview requests for our clinical staff to discuss current healthcare trends, medical advances and research breakthroughs, as well as share health and wellness information and comment on inspirational stories originating from our member hospitals.  Our administrative team also is available to discuss the business of healthcare and the WMCHealth Network.

All media inquiries and interview requests must be directed to the WMCHealth media relations department, and members of the press must be accompanied by a media relations representative for any interview conducted on a WMCHealth campus.  This includes interviews arranged by patients and their families/representatives. 

Patients/families/representatives are not authorized to invite press members to a WMCHealth facility. Before any interviews of patients/families/representatives are conducted or any pictures, video, audio, etc., are captured at a WMCHealth facility, the patient or authorized representative must complete a consent form provided by the media relations department.  None of the aforementioned activities can occur until the form is completed and signed.

Once on-campus, press may not approach or record patients, families, staff or other visitors in or around WMCHealth facilities.  This is for the privacy of our visitors and efficacy of care.

We will do our best to facilitate all media requests, but cannot guarantee that all requests will be honored.

A patient or authorized patient representative has the option to consent to a listing in a WMCHealth public patient directory. With that consent, we are permitted – but not required – to release one-word patient condition information.    No additional information can be shared without written consent from the patient/patient representative.

WMCHealth uses the following condition descriptions, which are recommended by the American Hospital Association:

Treated and Released – Patient discharged from hospital. 

Undetermined - Patient is awaiting physician and/or assessment.

Good - Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are excellent.

Fair - Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious, but may be uncomfortable. Indicators are favorable.

Serious - Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill. Indicators are questionable.

Critical - Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indicators are unfavorable.

Deceased – WMCHealth does not disclose deceased information.

Westchester Medical Center/Maria Fareri Children's Hospital/Behavioral Health Center

Where To Meet Your Media Relations Representative

Before you arrive on campus, please contact:

Andy LaGuardia at 914.493.6532 or  for the best location to meet the hospital media relations representative who will escort you to your interview.

Breaking News Procedure

News crews covering stories pertaining to Westchester Medical Center, Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital and the Behavioral Health Center are required to park their vehicles on Woods Road, the main access road to WMCHealth’s Valhalla campus. Please be aware that for the safety and privacy of our patients, visitors and staff as well as care efficiency, campus security may relocate news crew parking to another location.

MidHudson Regional Hospital

Where To Meet Your Media Relations Representative

Before you arrive on campus, please contact Lynn Nichols at 845.332.9441 for the best location to meet the hospital media relations representative who will escort you to your interview.

Breaking News Procedure

In the event of breaking news, media staging will take place in the northeast corner of the employee parking lot, near the intersection of Cedar Ave. and Baker Ave. Access to the hospital may be restricted at the sole discretion of the media relations team. As in all other instances, no member of the press may enter the hospital without first contacting a member of the media relations team and all press members must be accompanied by a media relations representative whenever they are in the hospital or on hospital property. 

HealthAlliance Hospital

Where To Meet Your Media Relations Representative

Before you arrive on campus, please contact Lynn Nichols at 845.332.9441 for the best location to meet the hospital media relations representative who will escort you to your interview.

Breaking News Procedure

In the event of breaking news, media staging will take place outside the Auditorium of the hospital’s Administrative Services Building, 75 Mary’s Avenue in Kingston, off Webster Street. Access to the hospital may be restricted at the sole discretion of the media relations team. As in all other instances, no member of the press may enter the hospital without first contacting a member of the media relations team and all press members must be accompanied by a media relations representative whenever they are in the hospital or on hospital property.

Margaretville Hospital

Where To Meet Your Media Relations Representative

Before you arrive on campus, please contact Lynn Nichols at 845.332.9441 for the best location to meet the hospital media relations representative who will escort you to your interview.

Breaking News Procedure

In the event of breaking news, media staging will take place outside Mountainside Residential Care Center, adjacent to the hospital at 42158 Route 28. Access to the hospital may be restricted at the sole discretion of the media relations team. As in all other instances, no member of the press may enter the hospital without first contacting a member of the media relations team and all press members must be accompanied by a media relations representative whenever they are in the hospital or on hospital property.

Good Samaritan Hospital, St. Anthony Community Hospital and Bon Secours Community Hospital 

Where To Meet Your Media Relations Representative for Scheduled Interviews

Before you arrive on campus, please contact Helene Guss at 845.368.5570 for the best location to meet the hospital media relations representative who will escort you to your interview.

Breaking News Procedure

In the event of breaking news, please contact Helene Guss at 845.368.5570 to find out the location of the approved media staging area. Access to the hospital may be restricted at the sole discretion of the media relations team. As in all other instances, no member of the press may enter the hospital without first contacting a member of the media relations team and all press members must be accompanied by a media relations representative whenever they are in the hospital or on hospital property.