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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I prepare for my MRI scan?
Very little preparation is required for an MRI scan. Prior to the scan, you are encouraged to go to the bathroom. You will be asked to remove all metallic items such as watches, jewelry, hairpins, eyeglasses, and hearing aids. Also, do not take any credit, bank, or parking cards with you into the scan as the scanner will erase the information recorded on the metallic strip. A personal locker will be provided for safe-keeping of valuables.

Will I receive intravenous injections?

For some procedures, it may be necessary to inject a special contrast material (Gadolinium), sometimes referred to as "dye", which enables radiologists to
see specific areas of your body more clearly. The need for this will be determined by the radiologist, based on the information your doctor provides us. The injection is usually performed towards the end of the examination by the Technologist. Some people experience a sensation of coolness while the dye/contrast is being administered; this is normal. Most people do not experience complications. However mild reactions may occur including nausea, headache, vomiting, dizziness, rash or hives. These reactions will pass without treatment or respond quickly to medication. Rarely, more severe reactions can occur including drop in blood pressure and irregular heartbeat. In some cases, you may be asked to refrain from eating for a period of time prior to the test.

What can I expect during the MRI scan?
The scan is performed by a radiologic Technologist. Upon arriving in the MRI Department, you will be greeted by a receptionist and asked a series of questions. Once in the scan room, you will be asked to lie on a padded table. During the scan, it is important to hold very still, as movement will cause blurring of the pictures. Throughout the entire examination, you will be able to speak to the technologist via an intercom. Technologists will talk with you frequently during your scan, explaining the procedure each step of the way. When the scanner is operating, you will hear a loud thumping noise and may feel a slight vibration. This is normal.

How long will the MRI scan take?
Each MRI scan is different. However, most scans take between 30 and 60 minutes (per exam).

What will happen following my MRI scan?
Immediately following the scan, you may resume normal activities, diet and medications.

How do I find out the results of my MRI scan?
Your MRI scan will be reviewed by a Radiologist. The Radiologist will send a report to your physician.

You can also contact us at (914) 493-2500

Accredited by the American College of Radiology